Personal Information 個人資料 (只作內部使用)
Full Name 姓名
Gender 性別Male 男Female 女
Language 語言
Email 電郵
Phone 電話
Address 地址
Education 文化程度
Major 主修
Occupation 職業
Church 教會 (if any)
Previous CRRS Participation (if any) 是否參與過文更事工?
Yes 是No 否
Please list your past CRRS participation 請列出過往參與文更的事工 (if any)
Area of Interest 有興趣參與的事工
資料输入No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
中文打字No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
中文翻譯No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
存檔No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
Marketing 市場推廣
推廣計劃No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
統籌/安排籌款活動No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
圖像設計No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
網絡媒體No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
Events 活動
場地佈置No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
註冊No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
攝影No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
攝像No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
攝像剪接No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
音頻控制、錄音No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
音樂No experienceLots of experienceSome experienceLove to learn
Any other skill(s) you have that you feel can contribute to CRRS Ministry? 請列出其它您認為對文更事工有幫助的技能?